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Main Tower

The square for people to exchange and chat with each other, where simple betting games can take place for people to exchange tokens with each other or make profits from the publisher (for example, rock paper scissors, bet on match scores...)

Leaderboard - bar

  • Where players check the leaderboard
  • Look like a bar or a tavern
  • The player with the most farm output will reward items or tokens


To help trade between publisher and players: this place will trade food and varieties of plants for players


Where players will stake their NFT characters to receive rewards like items, weapons later, it will cost a small number of tokens to do so, in return people will not need to spend food to stay alive


Greenhouse: Includes a table with potted plants for growing plants. Players will be provided with 2 pots to plant which can be purchased to expand further


Garage: weaponsmith table, pet incubator, medicine table, storage chest